showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Senjou no Ookami  ASCII1987 firearms grenades instantdeath lives militantprotagonist runandgun score labelimageminimize
1942 Ascii1987 1940s 194x-series 20thcentury aeroplane aircraft-p38-lightning fighteraircraft instantdeath lives militantprotagonist propellerplane score scrollingshooter worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Elevator Action Nidecom Carry1986 elevators firearms instantdeath lives score specialagentprotagonist walking labelimageminimize
Castle Excellent  ASCII1985 carnivorousplants castle deadlywater did elevators europeanfae instantdeath keys knives meleeweapons monsters movingplatforms nofalldamage puzzleplatformer rescue score walking labelimageminimize
Bomb Jack  Softbank (Welcomecat)1985 bombjack claiming harmfultouch instantdeath lives score superjump Collecting bombs and defeating your enemy as you go makes this coin-op conversion one of the most high-scoring and exciting games available.

Totally addictive
Superb graphics
Screen after screen of challenging fun
The Castle  ASCII1985 carnivorousplants castle deadlywater did elevators europeanfae instantdeath keys knives meleeweapons monsters movingplatforms nofalldamage puzzleplatformer rescue score walking labelimageminimize
Mario Bros. Special  Hudson Soft (Westside)1984 comicalaction endless instantdeath lives mario mario-universe score testudines labelimageminimize
Punch Ball Mario Bros.  Hudson Soft1984 comicalaction endless instantdeath lives mario mario-universe score testudines labelimageminimize
Galaxian Dempa1983 endless fixedshooter galaxianlike instantdeath lives score space labelimageminimize